

Successful exhibition AllPrint 2019, ベラ ジョン カジノ ブラック ジャックn Jakarta

AllPrint1.jpg ベラ ジョン カジノ ブラック ジャック exhibition 30th October to 2nd November 2019 in Jakarta, Indonesia.

AllPrint Indonesia is a yearly exhibition that is held at the end of every year, combined with AllPack Indonesia. This show brings both the printers and brand owners together in one place. Brand owners can see packing equipment together with the advances ベラ ジョン カジノ ブラック ジャックhe printing industry.

We focus on a wide selection of customized presses made to order for each customer's need. ベラ ジョン カジノ ブラック ジャックhis show, Cyber Pte Ltd.(hereinafter called Cyber) highlighted all the benefits of the LED-UV technology on our high-tech offset presses and demonstrated how easy it was to print value added jobs using LED-UV technology.

At the ベラ ジョン カジノ ブラック ジャック, Cyber printed on "rainbow metalized paper" supplied by the local paper manufacturer and using the LED-UV inks. As Cyber is showing only the RMGT 920ST-4+CD, they printed multiple passes combining the opaque white ink and the overprint matt varnish to enhance the job design.

AllPrint2.jpg Customers said the results were spectacular on the RMGT 920ST-4+CD+LED-UV. The customers were all surprised to see at how easy it was to print on the metalized materials. They were also amazed at the registration accuracy of multiple pass printing on the RMGT press and how a little effort in design could create such beautiful jobs by using only a four(4) color press.

AllPrint3.jpg AllPrint4.jpg

The show surely gave us the opportunity to shore up the confidence of all printers on the capability and performance of the RMGT presses. Customer acknowledges that RMGT builds the remarkable presses, and some customers remarked that they need a new machine like those made by RMGT to remain competitive and profitable ベラ ジョン カジノ ブラック ジャックoday's competitive market place.

Cyber successfully sold two(2) presses and seven(7) finishing equipment ベラ ジョン カジノ ブラック ジャックotal during the 4 days event. Cyber also received a lot of new enquiries from both the existing and new customers. Many established packaging printers invited us to come to their companies to help them study how to cut waste, increase productivity and add new capability to their factories with our new presses.

We are all on the exciting new journey to rediscover "The Joy of Printing".

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