

ベラ ジョン カジノ デビット カード Report(5) Various customer supports

The concept of RMGT smart factory is composed with three platforms, "Automation", "Visualization" and "Support".
One of them, "Support" to our customers is specially featured this opportunity. Beside actual personnel delegation to customer's premises, ベラ ジョン カジノ デビット カードsist and AI (Artificial Intelligence) support are introduced.

Utilizing smart glasses connected through internet, RMGT service control centre which is located in more than hundreds kilometers distance far from customer's place remotely investigate local situation of machine troubles that customer faces in same glance correspondingly, and guides and instructs how to take troubleshooting and counter action for the recovery. It is "Wearable ベラ ジョン カジノ デビット カードsist system".
It is very helpful to reduce and optimize press downtime and greatly improve printing production efficiency.
The corner of smart factory shows how to operate this system with trial operatiベラ ジョン カジノ デビット カードo monitor the footage and motiベラ ジョン カジノ デビット カードhrough video.


Real time live show through wearable ベラ ジョン カジノ デビット カードsist system

On the next experience corner of the wearable ベラ ジョン カジノ デビット カードsist, there are so many customers that virtually experience reality by live performance putting on wearable glasses.
Sharing same screen which an operator can see remotely and specifying troubled location by pointer in the shared display, they enjoy virtual experience how to operate this system.


Customer who experiences ベラ ジョン カジノ デビット カードsist system by wearable glass.

"Q & A Service" is the new system (being under development) which enables press operator to automatically answer to his question how to react troubles by troubleshooting on behalf of RMGT service person by utilizing support by AI (Artificial Intelligence). An operator can take actiベラ ジョン カジノ デビット カードo sudden unexpected trouble very immediately and easily, and this system can help to reduce press downtime.


Customers carefully reading introduction of Q&A service

In the corner of press improvement, it is realized to improve press performance that customer operates by modification. In this place, RMGT chief service staff members are introducing helpful goods, services and improvement menus.
There is the special desk space which can provide guidance and solution for countermeasure against customer's troubles and difficulties.


Introduction of goods, service and menus helpful to improve customer's owned printing press

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